
Bowlie doesn't know she's born!

Hard Luck Life

Nigel is an award winning Creative Marketing Director, though he chooses not to do that anymore.

Originally from the United Kingdom, he now lives in Prineville, Oregon USA.

He was awarded the Homeland Defense top award and received American Red Cross recognition for his communications leadership during the Katrina disaster.

When the 2010 Haiti earthquake struck he was asked by Executive Office of The White House to assist in the relief and recovery effort including getting the alternate Presidential Palace online.

Prior to being the Federal Marketing Director at Intel for ten years, he spent twenty years acting as an electronics design consultant across Europe, Asia and the US for clients including Microsoft, Sanford Corporation, C&W and Sony. 

Nigel authored the wireless framework for Portland's citywide Wi-Fi network RFP.

Nigel worked as a consultant on the development of the first commercially successful PDA, namely the Palm Pilot, for CEO Donna Dubinsky. Then advised Lord Young Chairman of Cable & Wireless, before working with Sony Japan on handheld computing devices. 

Prior to moving to the USA in 2000, he managed Bluetooth globally for Cap Gemini out of France.

"Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles" - Frank Lloyd Wright

"Music has charms to soothe a savage breast" - William Congreve 1697

From handmade Italian suits to cargo shorts off Amazon!

No More Suits

There was birth, boarding school, solo international travel at 16, London shenanigans, Hare Krishna, then some retail, then a Radio Scanning business which led to working for some interesting people. 

Then European Editor of Pen Computing Magazine, then government contracting, then working for Cap Gemini in France, then a lot of Wi-Fi in the USA. 

Then Intel, then early retirement. Some commercial and DoD Drone stuff. Now its purely volunteer work, specifically Search & Rescue, Project Lifesaver, the County EOC and AUXCOMM. Effectively, full circle back to Radio.


Comms for Ukraine

Just when I thought my radio days were behind me, Russia invaded Ukraine in an unwarranted and illegal land grab. Experience with secure communications, T-OTAR, key management, OTAP and tactical repeaters were called upon. And that's all I can say, except: MotoTRBO #FTW 

Russian Radiomen call MotoTRBO AES: бульканье

Encryption is Easy - Key Management is Hard. 

"Radio is a sound salvation, Radio is cleaning up the nation" - Elvis Costello 1978

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - my Alma Mater
Colin was a Righteous Dude

Retirement Goals

Zach and I met at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, we both love Belle and Sebastian